Li sufiksi | The suffixes | Die Suffixe

Gramatiku. In this section we will cover the basics (lu basu) of Eulingu, its structure, 'filosofu' and composition. For this purpose we will use a combination of English/Eulingu and 'otri lingi europis' to offer the best explanation and examples. As you might know already, Eulingu is based on its 'endings', 'li sufiksi', and therefore we like to give them our first attention. If you know them by heart it will be easy for you to quickly form words and sentences.

Most nouns/substantives end - for reasons of simplicity - in the genderless/neuter and singular suffix '-u', rather than applying 'confusing' genders to the same 'root' which can be found in various European languages, e.g. 'the table' (n), 'die Tafel' (f), 'der Tisch' (m), 'la table' (f) and 'il tavolo' (m).

Words ending in '-u' are generally regarded as the 'result of something' (this is a rather complex approach and will be explained at a later stage when you have more experience with the language). The final '-u' was initially introduced to reflect endings such as '-ty' (ENG), '-tie' (FRA/DEU) and '-tät' (DEU), '-тия' (RUS) but also '-tia', '-cia' and '-zia' (Romance languages).

un tablu - a table
lu lingu - the language
un blogu - a blog
multu respektu - much respect
un biru - a beer
du Europu/d'Europu - of Europe
un artistu - an artist
a tagu - on the day/today
cu seru - this evening
em guste tu lingu - I like your language
esta guste su kapelu - she likes her hair
Marko esto skribe in su libru du tagu - Marc (he) writes in his diary
Maria esta veste un robu cu seru - Maria (she) wears a dress/robe this evening

BUT: If a word only consists of one syllable and that particular vowel is a '-u-', we are allowed to skip the concluding '-u', e.g. 'lu jur' (the day), 'bon jur' (good day), 'lu bur' (the butter), 'lu mur' (the wall), 'lu kur' (the cure), 'lu kult' (the kult), 'lu tur Eiffel' (the Eiffel tower) but also 'lu tur' (the tour) depending on context. We can also stretch 'cu reglu' to two syllable words such als 'lu kultur' (the culture), 'lu komun' (the community) and 'lu fraktur' (the fracture).

Quantity higher than one (= plural) is expressed with a final '-i', we can also find it in the letter 'i' (and), here are 'uni eksempli':

tri tabli - three tables
li lingi - the languages
multi blogi - many blogs
uni biri - a few beers
uni artisti - a few artists
di amiki/d'amiki - of the friends
di populi - of the people(s)
Petro esto guste si amiki - Peter (he) likes his friends
ci seri Sandra i sa amika Olga veri plaze in un Café - these evenings Sandra and her 'female' friend Olga (they) sat in a Café
en guste li lingi - we like their languages
ci amiki du lingu - these friends of (the) language/language friends

The suffixes '-a' (female) and '-o' (male) are used if a particular gender is needed, in cases of 'plural' (= quantity higher than one) the familiar '-i' is also added in the forms of '-ai' (female) and '-oi' (male).

una fema - a female/woman
una artista - a 'female' artist
la amika/l'amika - the 'female' friend
ca skribera - this 'female' writer
uno linguisto - a 'male' linguist
co kantero - this 'male' singer
lo amiko/l'amiko - the 'male' friend
lo dentisto - the 'male' dentist
lo radio i lo stereo - the radio and the stereo (complex)
multi artistai - many 'female' artists
tri skriberoi - three 'male' writers

Action ('aktivu') is created through the multicultural ending '-e', even the 'action of not moving'. The 'pasivu' (= passive) form is built through the final '-n' (es skriben - (it) is written, esti kanten - (they) are sung). Someone doing something gets the suffix '-r', often specified by 'gender' (uno skribero - a 'male' writer, lo parlera - the 'female' speaker).

em plaze un libru sur lu tablu - I place a book on the table
esta skribe un letru - she writes a letter
Karlo vero beve un biru - Carl (he) drank a beer
Petro i Monika esti manje ni bageti - Peter and Monica (they) eat their baguettes
en involven in le develope du un/d'un lingu novus - we are involved in the 'developing'/development of a new language
lu libru es skriben do uno/d'uno skribero norgos - the book is written by a Norwegian 'male' writer
ci kanti esti kanten di multi kanteri - these songs (they) are sung by many singers
esta una parlera grandas - she is a great speaker

If you want to add 'quality' (adjective/adverb) to a term, you simply add the letter '-s'. Qualities normally follow after the substantive or verb but get 'pole position' (and the '-s' dropped) when it comes to 'greetings' (similar to the French language, 'une robe élégante' but also 'bon appétit').

una amika belas - a beautiful 'female' friend
co kantero grandos - this great 'male' singer
lu lingu simplus - the simple language
Katya vera parle rapides - Katya (she) spoke fast/rapidly
Petro esto ame multes Monika - Peter (he) loves Monica very much
em guste otres lu kucinu espanus i italus - I also like the Spanish and Italian 'cuisine'
Apetitu bonus!/Bon apetitu! - Bon appétit! :-)

Have a look at the short 'definu' of Eulingu and see if you can work it out yourself:

Eulingu es un projektu novus a kre un lingu simplus por Europu kel une li populi europis in 'un tongu'. En demonstre multu respektu por li multi kulturi d'Europu, zelebre su diversu grandus i reflekte si elementi kulturis i lingis in le develope d'Eulingu.

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